Sunday, December 21, 2008

Amsterdam Day 2

On the second day in Amsterdam we took a boat tour! What better way to get a taste of the city. It was about an hour long. There were a lot of row houses some of which were tilted to the side or forward because of the unstable foundation.
Here is a picture of seven bridges all in a row!

There are so many people in Amsterdam that some of them actually live on the canal in their own little boat house.
Later that night we took a wrong turn and found this again...
Jasmine finally found some snow....
kind of... How it got there we have no idea.

We had a good dinner, typical dutch meatballs and gravy

We found an interesting sign in the bathrooms... Apparently this needs to be mentioned, you know since it is Holland.

After dinner Nicole, Ronnie, Jasmine and Stefanie went out to what we later found out was the best voted bar in the nation!!! It was amazing. Daniel didn't go because his back and leg were acting up. But of course Jasmine made sure to drink for two.

Random picture of Daniel because he wasn't in any picture this post...

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