Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Driving to Deutchland!

On this day, the 26th, we woke up really Really early! We lest the house in Paris around 8am, but the of us kids slept until about 1pm. We were staying at a friend of the family's place in Landshut, Germany. 
Landshut is a very cute little town, here is the town at night

And during the day!

That night is was sooo cold, so Daniel's dad was running/jumping/ kind of doing a dance to stay warm. 

So all Jasmine wanted was real German beer and sausages! We looked all over for this restaurant the Gomez's friend recommended, and after searching and searching we found it... but it was closed :(. At that point we were all so cold we found a restaurant that was open and looked warm. We thought maybe it was German... until we got an English menu and realized it was really a greek place. 

When we got inside Jasmine had some trouble getting her hood off. She is still not used to this cold. 

It turned out to be wonderful! And Daniel and Jasmine got their beer too! 

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